Tired of traditional hiring solutions to hire software developers?

Hire pre-vetted developers across all seniorities that align with your salary expectations, interview availability and start dates.

Join many companies that trust TG Group to hire remote software developers

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Zero Risk

If you hire an engineer and you are not satisfied after 4 weeks of working with them, you pay zero.​

100+ skills available

Hire React, Node, Python, Angular, Swift, React Native, Android, Java, Rails, Golang, DevOps, ML, Data Engineers, and more.

Hire vetted developers at a fraction of the cost

Have control over resources and avoid paying large margins and fees.

Rigorous Vetting

1) Specific Developer Targeting

From conducting thousands of technical verifications, we have identified organisations which have a high probabiltiy of haing engineers with good skill levels. We specifcially target and engage from these organisations.

2) Cultural, Language and Technical Assessment

We hold a 30-60 minute discussion with each developer to get a detailed insight into how they work, what they like & their communication skills.

3) Technical Interview

A 90-minute video interview including a recorded coding challenge. This provides visibility on code quality and how the engineer manages a task with time constraints.

4) Customized Coding Assessment (Optional Stage)

If you require us to further assess developers for specific project requirements we can build a customised coding exercise to be an exact match your project needs.

Join 50+ established companies and fast-scaling start-ups that trust TG Group

TG Group
Developer Profile

Receive a comprehensive profile to assist you in gaining a full understanding of a developer.

Evaluate their competencies and re-watch a live coding exercise completed during our technical interview. Providing an insight into the quality of the work the engineer is able to produce and how they manage a task under time constraints.

How to hire top developers through TG Group?

Tell us the skills you need

We’ll schedule a call and understand your requirements.

We find the best talent for you

Get a list of pre-vetted candidates within days.

Schedule interviews

Meet and select the developers you like.

Begin your trial

Start working with a developer and only pay a fee if you are satisfied after a 4 week trial.

People about TG Group

We have a number of locations around the world with our HQ being in Central London.


Software Development Division Lead- I.T Consultancy in Spain
"We've were searching for 4 months prior to hiring 2 senior Golang Developers within 6 days using TG Groups Talent Pool."


Vice President of Engineering- Establish Swedish Music Company.
"TG Group eases tension that we usually experience with job boards and recruitment agencies. They simply confirm whether or not they have the relevant resources, and if they do, they always deliver."

Stanislav M.

Recruitment Leader - @ Large Polish Consultancy
"Whether it's small team builds, large division builds, or insights in launching a new outsourcing division, TG Group are always involved in our discussions.

Paul T.

CTO- UK Digital Transformation Business
"We've now worked with TG Group for 3 years, and their Talent Pool solves a lot of our problems with any software development hiring requirement. The most beneficial part is having a true insight into the developers coding ability before having to invest time interviewing them or sending them our coding task."


Software Development Division Manager- Swedish Ecommerce Business
"We built a 5 person permanent Java Division in 6 days with TG Group. We are already involving them in a new division build."