Highly vetted engineers and teams you can hire directly
Get immediate access to the top 15% of engineers that can be hired on any contract of your choice. All developers in our Talent Pool have completed three stages of vetting to ensure full technical and cultural suitability.

Traditional recruiting is over. Welcome to a Talent Pool containing world class resources.
Join 50+ companies trusting TG Group for their hiring needs.

Hire deeply-vetted developers
An all-in-one solution that combines AI, data insights and a human touch to ensure relevant talent is secured in your local area or around the world.
Hire a dedicated development team.
A complete solution to guarantee the build of your required team so you can manage important deadlines internally and with your customers. Schedule interview with multiple teams at your convenience to allow for comparison.

The Technologies we work with

TG group combines AI, Data Insights and a human
touch to deliver your ideal developers

Tailored to your requirements
- Technology Stack
- Budgets
- Seniority Level
- Interview availability
Our Talent Pool allows:
- European & US Sourcing
- Thorough Vetting
- Data Backed Matching
- Interview Schedule Alignment
- Live coding exercise re-watch

Your ideal developer
Typical engagement:
- Full-time
- Contract type
- Permanent, Freelance, B2B or FTC
Global presence
We have a number of locations around the world with our HQ being in Central London.
People about TG Group
We have a number of locations around the world with our HQ being in Central London.